Friday, February 02, 2007

Great Big Walls of Stupid

I keep running into big walls of stupid today at work.
People who can't read an email all the way to the bottom.
People who don't understand or cannot manage to use the "reply to all" function in email, despite my tutorial.
People who like to guess at times and dates, assuming I enjoy scanning four hours of football coverage looking for a mention of Bud Light.
If I go home with another ripping headache today, I'm going to have to take some anger management classes.
And apparently we're having some half-assed Superbowl party this afternoon, which is cool and all, but I believe it has pre-empted the traditional Friday morning doughnut run. Not cool, people. I demand BOTH.
Also, apparently most adults (at least the ones who work for my company) don't understand how time zones work.
And did you all know that Canada has some half-time zones? Those crazy Canadians!

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