Thursday, June 28, 2007

I need a bubble bath

My body keeps finding new and increasingly fun ways to express just how much I stress it out.
A few years ago I developed hives while I was unemployed. I was afraid I had some disease.
My back, of course, goes out when it gets really bad. My skin freaks out, which is not so unusual, and is the only reason that I'm pretty sure that that is what is going on with me now. All of a sudden I have zits. Often I develop an eye twitch, which will linger for weeks.
I chew my fingernails until they bleed, which you could argue is voluntary. I get funky stomach problems, which is also common.
The latest fun one is that my scalp hurts. Not itches, HURTS. Like I sunburned it. Except I didn't, and this had been going on for days. If I do go to scratch it, I flinch away like I just scratched over a scab. It is possible that I'm allergic to something, or that it's dandruff, but considering my other stress-related symptoms, I'm betting that's it.
The funny thing is that I rarely stress over big things. I only have percieved stress.
Someone going in the hospital? Moving? Might make me crazed, but I don't fall apart over it. I think it is because these things have goals, actions. A start and a stop point.
Me worrying about hearing back about a job interview? Has no end and no outlet. There's nothing I can do. Not a single. Thing. Except agonize. Worry. Internalize it all to mean that I'm worthless. Which is why this kind of stress is worse for me.

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