Thursday, March 29, 2007

Mustang Sally

I finally got up the guts to start asking around about the possibility of transferring to a different department. I was so nervous before talking to the first guy, I felt like I was trying to ask him out on a date! Eventually, I talked to the manager of that department, and he said yes, it was possible, but only when a position actually opens up.
So now I wait. Meh. I want instant gratification! I was so brave!
I still need to let my current manager know I'd like to move. I hope that doesn't make me a traitor.
Meanwhile, I will still try to find a new outside job. It's just that searching for a job is a really special kind of hell. I was sort of hoping to just transfer here. I mean, my 401k is here, and who wants to do all the paperwork of rolling it over? Not me.
Of course, not having this commute would be nice. We'll just see.
In other news, my brother and his girlfriend rented a red Mustang convertible yesterday. They picked me up and we drove across the bridge (it was cool--and cold!) and then we spent some time hiking around on the other side of the bay around cool old abandoned army bunkers. Then we drove to San Rafel (after putting the top up) for dinner.

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