Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Out of Chaos, Into the Light

We're moved. Not unpacked, but it's over. Luke came over last night and we made dinner together. He frolicked happily through our garden and gave the place a stamp of approval. It's only a 15-20 minute walk from where he works, so we're betting we'll see him MORE now.
Now it is time for me to stress over the fact that I have not done taxes. This is the longest I've ever waited, and I'm not showing signs of getting to it anytime soon. Besides, I file online, and we won't have internet until Saturday. I don't think they would appreciate it if I did them at work. Meh. If the IRS wants to audit me, then they must be really really bored.
Last weekend, after two days of apartment hunting, Christy came and picked me and Joe up and took us out to the beach. It was awesome. We explored the old Sutro baths a bit, including this neat little tunnel you can walk down to where the waves crash up over huge rocks. People stood there forever, just staring at the water. We hiked along the bay, back towards the city a little. I'd like to come back soon and hike this whole path all the way back. Then we had a drink at the Cliff House and dipped our toes in the ice-cold ocean. I could only stand it for a minute or two until my feet went numb, but somehow there were teenaged boys surfing on those little wakeboards over the edge of the waves--without wet suits. Jeepers.
We had dinner with Megan Sunday night at a place called Michaelangelo's, just a few blocks from our house. They have a big cheese wheel that they will just randomly come and set on your table for you to take cheese chunks from. We got a carafe of wine that they pour into a jug shaped like a chicken and when you pour, it comes out its mouth. Doesn't get much better than that. I had delicious lasagna and Megan told us the story of how she was just kicked out of her apartment. Her roommate, who Megan was subletting from, hadn't paid the rent in 3 months. She was just taking Megan's part of the rent and pocketing it! Megan's not in any trouble, but she may not get her security deposit back, since it was paid directly to the stealing, lying girl.

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