Friday, May 25, 2007

Dispatches from a Scifi Convention Continue

NrD report #234ohbn:
The smell has not improved, though the natives have become more friendly. Chocolate is abundant, though water seems in short supply.

Awkwardness abounds.

I have, however, now found all my friends. Two of my roommates are here for the first time, and accompany me to most things, which can be nice.

My workshop was FANTASTIC. I got so many great ideas and encouragement. After discussing with other people afterwards, who also had good experiences, I still realized that I am amazingly confident about my writing. Apparently other people stress about what people will think about their story. I assume people will like it overall, other than problems A, B, and C. And then they will tell me I am a fantastic writer, and show great promise.

Am I conceited? Am I pumped up by false pretenses? Does it even matter?

Only time will tell.

I find myself taking on the tone of a wise-old convention goer around my roommates. Must stop that. I imagine if it is not annoying yet, it will be.

There are so many good panels coming up! I truly have not had this much trouble deciding what to do in the past. I'm wishing I had a time-travel device like Hermione does in the third Harry Potter book, so I can attend more than one class at a time.

I had my palm read and my numerology done. My number is 3, which means I'm an artist (yay!) and I should focus on the joy of living. My life line is of an average length, but is especially deep and strong, which means I live with passion. My career path has diverged or will diverge soon (let's hope so!). I am an open-hearted person (not sure about that one).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you and your ramblings like only a computer-food-beer geek could love a sci-fi writer dork (ha! i am a geek you are a dork...hmm i am a dork too i guess and you are kind of a geek..damn! foiled again by words)