Thursday, May 10, 2007

I'm a Slacker

Man, I've really been slacking on the blog here, but Blogger has been giving me troubles lately.
Mostly, I'm just really excited to go to WisCon! I get in Wed, May 23 at 1:40pm (are you listening parents?) and I leave Monday at 4:05pm.
I'm on a panel this year! I'm going to talk about books that take place underground and their significance in literature. I've always been a little obsessed with any kind of secret place, and places underground seem like the ultimate secret. I'm nervous, but it will be fun. One of my friends is even on the panel with me. This will be the first time I go to WisCon where I already know people.
While there, we should check out Dr. Evermore's Sculptures. It's not that far from Baraboo, which I think is not far from where we're staying Wed. night. It looks pretty neat, and I've always wanted to go.
In other news, we finally got to do a major trip to Target with Joe's friend's truck. Now we have a dresser, another bookshelf, a grill and I have a desk on the back porch! The dresser is an absolute piece of crap. It makes me SO mad. I would mind having a piece of crap dresser if it were CHEAP, but it's not. I'm mad because I (not just my dad, who builds beautiful furniture, but ME) could manage to build a better dresser for half the price if I only had the tools. And the space. And materials. But I'm not yet ready to invest in such things, so I'll do my best with this.
Which reminds me, I need to pick up some wood glue. Grr.
The only good thing I can say about it is that at least it's real wood, not "particle-filled pressed fiberboard" like IKEA furniture is. Ugh. I hate Ikea.

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