Thursday, May 24, 2007

NRD Report # w4l5

First day at my third WisCon. I had assumed after all this time, and after knowing a few people here finally, my crushing socially anxiety would become less.

What a fool I am.

I spent the afternoon bummed I my parents had to leave early, bummed my one friend who I actually had a cell phone number for wasn't (and still hasn't) calling me back, and eventually bummed I hadn't called my cousins earlier because they were both about to leave town.

But I worked out, took a shower, wrote a bit. I finally got to do some activities, and met someone I knew there. They were doing something else afterwards however, so I went to the first reading alone. Again, I met someone I knew, and even went out to dinner with a group of people, which was really nice.

However, as soon as we got back to the hotel, they all kind of...disappeared. The lobby has cleared out. I think everyone is either out to a bar or in bed (at 9pm! It's only 7pm on the west coast!). Which is fine, because I will get very little sleep from here on in. But I wish I could find my original friends again, or go to a bar with someone. But now there is no one. I feel like a girl without a date.

My roommates should arrive in an hour or two, though, so that is an event to look forward to. I will meet them, and hopefully hang out with them tonight, or go to bed at the same time if they're tired.

Over and out.

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