Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Back to Square One

ARGH!! After not hearing back from this glorious job I desparately wanted for two weeks, I finally called them today. The person answers and says he's glad to hear from me. He's sorry He hasn't been in touch but that's what HR advised him to do. And no, they haven't filled the position yet.

Then he goes on about how difficult it has been to find someone who can do everything because there are so many different parts to this job and blah blah blah. And how you really can't know how a person will do until you work with them.

Yes. This is how employment works. Everyone does it.

Then she says they think they might try a few people out on a freelance basis. Apparently someone is coming in one day next week.

WHAT?!?! You do not get a 30 day free trial!!!! Hire someone who is intelligent and ambitious and then tell everyone else NO!

Not that they asked me, but even if they had, I couldn't come in one day a week so they could "try" me. For crying out loud! Some of us have full time jobs already.
Anyways, they didn't ask me, though he didn't seem willing to give me a definite no. But I'm going to take it that way. If they call me in the next few weeks, fine. If not, I'll call them eventually to get the "what could I have done better?" riff.
The thing is, not only did I want that job, but I really really wanted to be done with looking. And I really really really didn't want to do this commute anymore.

I shall console myself with Harry Potter (in IMAX 3-D!!) on Friday and the Chocolate Festival on Saturday.

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