Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Fake Sugar

There is a new, but controversial and arguable, study out that shows:

"People who drank one or more diet sodas each day developed the same risks for heart disease as those who downed sugary regular soda...
It could be, they suggest, that even no-calorie sweet drinks increase the craving for more sweets, and that people who indulge in sodas probably have less healthy diets overall."

My money is on the "increased craving for sweets" thing. I try to avoid fake sweeteners like aspartame when I can. I think it keeps us all addicted to sugar. I don't drink any kind of soda, but it drives me nuts that I can't find a low-calorie yogurt that isn't full of fake sweetener. I really don't need it to taste THAT sweet.
To read the full article about the study, click HERE.
There is probably fake sugar in more things than I think, like the "light" Swenson's ice cream I like so much. I'd better watch out for that. I'd really just rather eat the real thing, but less of it.
That's why I only eat dark chocolate :) Why muck it up with milk and sugar?

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