Friday, July 27, 2007


Apparently I do the same thing with cherry tomatoes as I do with sugar snap peas and chocolate chips.

This sunday is the garlic festival. I do NOT do the same thing with garlic. I have a strange relationship with garlic, rather love-hate. Also, it is apparently going to be like a hundred degrees there, which will not do wonders for the smell, I'm sure. Perhaps the stench will revive me when I faint. I may even be persuaded to try garlic ice cream afterwards.

FYI: People who do not like bacon annoy me. I mean, it's BACON. What's not to like? If you're morally opposed to it because you're a vegetarian, that's fine, as long as you still acknowledge that it's the greatest smell in the world, and that if you were going to break your vegetarianism for anything, it would totally be bacon.

1 comment:

Carla Lee said...

I actually dislike bacon a lot. I much prefer sausage as a breakfast side, and I've grown to not like bacon in things, except, oddly enough, for BLTs with extra T.

It just doesn't taste right to me.

(Another odd breakfast fact about me, I hate pancakes, but will eat waffles, even if it is the same batter just put through a waffle iron. The little squares make it taste better.

Of course, I don't eat them very often, either, because most of the time I dislike both pancakes and waffles.)