Thursday, July 19, 2007

Twitchy Issues

Does it make anyone else INTENSELY uncomfortable when people walk next to you on the street?
Like when you're walking down the street and a stranger comes out of Starbucks just as you're walking by and go the same direction as you.
Then you wait at a stoplight together.
Then you walk down the next block side by side. You try to slow down to let them get ahead of you, but that doesn't really seem to work because maybe they're doing the same thing at the exact same time. And you can't go any slower because man, you're already late for work.
So you try to walk faster, but you have short legs and can only go so fast and as soon as you get a little bit ahead of them you reach the next stoplight which has just turned red so you're even again. And that was your last burst of speed because it's 8:03 am and you haven't had any coffee yet.
So you try to walk as close to the buildings as possible, wishing they would move farther towards the curb, but they can't because this is Oakland and there are homeless people and free newspaper stands everywhere and in this manner you will walk down an entire stretch of deserted street with just one other person, casting suspicious looks their way.
I hate my commute.

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