Friday, August 24, 2007

Caffeinated Snot

This morning I went to go take a drink of my coffee, and realized that it smelled the same way a damp basement full of old magazines smells. Since I had made the good hazelnut coffee this morning, that couldn't be possible. I decided it was probably the mug (which I hadn't bothered to wash that morning and had been sitting in my desk cupboard overnight). I took another experimental sip, and managed to slop coffee down my (white) shirt. I jumped up and ran to the kitchen to sop it up.
While in the kitchen, I realized my nose was running. I blew my nose and out came coffee.
No kidding.
I don't know if I actually managed to get coffee UP my nose when I slopped it everywhere, or if I inhaled the coffee that was in my mouth at the time up the back of my nasal passages when I jumped up to run away. But at least it wasn't too hot.
I am corporate material for sure!
Also, in case you were concerned, I did manage to get the coffee stains out of my shirt.
While we're on the subject of TMI, I currently only have 3 bras left that I can wear. Only one of them actually fits. I have dubbed this the great bra crisis of 2007 and I am skipping a beer event with Joe tomorrow to go shopping for these critical underthings.
I will be sure to let you know when we are off red alert.


Anonymous said...

What is TMI?

Jazz said...

TMI is internet-speak for Too Much Information!