Tuesday, July 17, 2007


I bought a new laptop this weekend! My old one died two weeks ago. I mean, straight-up died. I plug it in, push power on, and nothing happens.
Luckily I had plenty of warning as my hard drive had been making pathetic clicking noises for a few months now. I had everything backed up already, except possibly a few days of writing. Which probably weren't very good anyways, since I'd been cranking through it for my Novel in 90 wordcounts.
By the way, Novel in 90, not really for me. It was good in the beginning, and then I just felt like I was forcing myself to write stuff I wasn't ready for. It was turning out crummy. This is the same reason I had no fun doing NaNoWriMo. Writing fast is a waste of time, in my opinion. I'd rather write well. Of course, I haven't been doing much of that lately either.
I've never been well served by tracking my words. I used to do BIC (butt in chair) count instead. If I could just sit in front of my computer or notebook for an hour a day, I would do much better. Maybe I should start my own BIC club.
Anyways, the computer. It's a Dell, is about 10 times faster than my old IBM thinkpad, and is only 4.3 pounds! Woot. It should be here next week. My very first new computer.
Also, I've officially broken the 40 pound weight barrier (for myself. Not my computer). I'd been edging closer and closer, ever so slowly, and I finally did it! I finally started tracking points again, is what happened. I've now lost 40.2 pounds. In celebration, I bought myself a pretty purple shirt from Anthropologie.

1 comment:

Admin_Blogs4Cause said...

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Would like to tell you that your blog is quite lively with active posts and that I liked your simple blog template too.

Keep it up!